Monday, August 17

Ten years of Social Media: Startups and Entrepreneurship

A few weeks ago, one of my favorite websites, Mashable organized the #Hyatt4Good Tweetup Tour. The tour visited six cities: New York City, Chicago, Denver, San Diego, DC and Boston and 100% of income from ticket sales was donated to the Summer of Social Good charity fund.

During the event, I was interviewed by up and coming web rock star, Jun Loayza Partner at and Co-Founder of In the interview, Jun brings out the fact that I've been deep in social media for over ten years. My reachout to readers of my eBay For Dummies series gives me a community in excess of 10,000. The community was built to share ideas and solutions for online sellers, reaching further than my books ever could.

Jun also asks my advice for startups and entrepreneurs. After 10 years on the web, I've certainly seen successes and failures, and always love sharing positive advice.

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  1. This is a great interview. You're very engaging.

  2. Marsha,

    I had a similar "aha" moment when pulling together notes for an upcoming Q/A interview.

    In my case, its the behind the scenes work of direct customer outreach and online monitoring.

    The last four years especially have been a very dynamic time building connections with customers who praise and critique our service equally. Each have in an interest seeing us get closer to the kind of service each would like to see.

    Thank you for sharing. It is refreshing to listen to practictioner like yourself share a perspective developed over years of expertise in a discipline many think is just a new fad.


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